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Module 7: Accessible Customer Service


This module will go into detail about the value of accessible customer service and guide you on how to provide service excellence to customers of all abilities. It will teach you how to greet and approach individuals with various disabilities, so that you can welcome, interact, and support all customers with the same high level of service. This module will give insight into the core principles of providing  customer service, and how incorporating these principles can have lasting benefits on customers and business. You will also learn that accessible customer service is not only face to face interactions, but also includes having accessible customer communications, policies, procedures, and feedback channels.


  • Understand the value of accessible customer service
  • Gain confidence in serving people of all abilities
  • Recognize everyone receives goods and services in different ways
  • Prepare and plan to support customers better


Length: 62 mins (does not include check points or knowledge check)

7.1 The Why: Business Case

  • Why be an accessible service provider?
  • The numbers to support accessibility and business
  • Potential risks to not being accessible

7.2 Core Principles

  • 8 core principles of accessible customer service
  • Results of accessible customer service

7.3 Communications, Policies, Procedures, and Feedback Channels

  • 4 elements of accessible customer service
  • Customer communications
  • Accessible Policies
  • Accessible Procedures
  • Accessible Feedback Channels

7.4 Assisting Customers with Physical Disabilities

  • Inclusive greetings
  • Inclusive approach
  • Tips for assisting customers with physical disabilities
  • Environment considerations

7.5 Assisting Customers with Low or No Vision

  • Tips for assisting customers with vision loss
  • How to be prepared
  • Sighted guide technique
  • Guide dogs
  • Environmental and other considerations

7.6 Assisting Customers with Low or No Hearing

  • Tips for assisting customers with low or no hearing
  • Environmental considerations

7.7 Assisting Customers with Cognitive Disabilities

  • Tips for assisting customers with cognitive disabilities
  • Environmental considerations

7.8 Assisting Customers with Mental Health-related Disabilities

  • Tips for assisting customers with mental health-related disabilities
  • Environmental and other considerations

7.9 Emergency Preparedness

  • Emergency preparedness
  • Environment and services
  • Identify safe egress strategies 
  • Training, plans, and equipment
  • Emergency tips for sensory disabilities
  • Sign language demonstration for emergency