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Module 5: Communication and Inclusive Language


This module will explain the importance of communication and inclusive language, including why it matters and the potential lasting impact of our word choices. Different communication methods will be described, including non-verbal communication and microexpressions. Understand the difference between person-first and identify-first language, and how to refer to people with disabilities in a respectful, appropriate, and politically correct way. Learn how to be an active listener, along with strategies on de-escalation should a challenging situation arise. Through this module you will gain knowledge and insight on how to effectively communicate with your customers, and how to build strong lasting relationships.


  • Understand the importance and impact of language
  • Develop knowledge of different communication methods
  • Recognize how disability can impact communication
  • Learn how to effectively communicate with people who have disabilities


Length: 32 mins (does not include check points or knowledge check)

5.1 Why it Matters

  • The power of language
  • Words matter, and how they shape our culture

5.2. Ways We Communicate

  • Communication methods and inclusive examples
  • Defining non-verbal communication and examples of cues
  • Microexpressions

5.3 Inclusive Language

  • Reassurance that initially feeling unsure of how to communicate is ok, and awareness is the goal
  • Defining person first language with examples
  • Defining identify first language with examples
  • Person first vs identity first language
  • Examples of non-inclusive language
  • Say this, not that

5.4 Effective Communication

  • Impacts to communication: types of disabilities that impact communication
  • Common communication barriers
  • Common communication tools
    Common mistakes
  • Effective communication tips
  • Active listening
  • De-escalation techniques
  • Curiosity and appropriateness