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Module 10: Become a T.R.A.I.L Blazer


This final module puts it all together. Learn how to apply your knowledge and champion accessibility by creating a dynamic shift in your own organizational culture or surroundings. Accessibility and inclusion is an ongoing journey, not a destination. ProHara’s T.R.A.I.L. will keep you at the forefront of accessible customer service excellence as it continually evolves.


  • Apply your knowledge 
  • Understand ways to lead and champion accessibility
  • Learn real tactics and strategies to improve accessibility
  • Recognize that accessibility is a journey not a destination
Length: 33 mins (does not include check points or knowledge check)

10.1 Applying Your Knowledge

  • Accessible customer service starts with communication
  • Asked and answered
  • Lived experience story

10.2 Take ProHara’s T.R.A.I.L

  • TRAIL Blazing
  • Taking inventory
  • Reach out for input
  • Align plans and policies
  • Invest in inclusion
  • Look at your environment

10.3 The Journey, Not the Destination

  • Lived experience story
  • Ways to support your accessibility journey
  • Stay open, keep learning
  • Let’s stay connected
  • Celebrate customer service excellence